As usual,
this space has been neglected for a while. When 2014 just began, I had already
expected a hectic life ahead, with the juggling of both my full time job and
classes in the night. And well, it turned out to be even more challenging. Many of my friends/relatives asked how did I even manage
to handle it. “Isn’t it so tiring?” Well,
my answer has been consistent - because designing has been what I always
wanted. Although there has been crazy amount of last minute assignment to rush
every other month end, I still enjoy doing it. To be honest, for the first few
modules, it was pretty boring and I felt constrained. But now that we’ve moved
into the major modules, there has been so much fun exploring into different
ideas and concept.
Part of me
didn’t want the studying period to come to an end but the other part of me is
quite drained out and can’t wait to venture into the design field – tho it’s quite scary to think of
Oh, and of cos, the long back dated Korea post continues below. Heh.. I think this blog is serving more of a memory of my travelling journey.
We went to Haneul Park (하늘공원) on one of the morning in Seoul. I remember there was a pretty bad haze which hit Korea during my stay there. Fortunately, the place is still pretty much like those pictures I saw on internet when I was searching on places to go in Korea. It was worth the climb up the hill (yes yes, I know.. we certainly did hell lots of climbing in Korea!) to witness the sight of the endless tall grassland.

We went to Haneul Park (하늘공원) on one of the morning in Seoul. I remember there was a pretty bad haze which hit Korea during my stay there. Fortunately, the place is still pretty much like those pictures I saw on internet when I was searching on places to go in Korea. It was worth the climb up the hill (yes yes, I know.. we certainly did hell lots of climbing in Korea!) to witness the sight of the endless tall grassland.
From the top view, you can see how bad the haze was in the city. But I'm still loving the colors of autumn trees from the distance.
We met up with Joel's cousin/friend who had a had time thinking where to bring us around since I've already went to quite a few of the tourist highlights. Haha... Nevertheless, we still managed to just chill and explore around the city. It was getting close to Christmas, so the town area were decorated with pretty Christmas lights.
Ending off with Joel who spent a bomb on this machine everytime we walked past it...
Love, mwdee
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