Just few weeks back, I'm actually packed off to Korea - once again - at the very last minute. I had to literally dump everything into my luggage and brace myself to experience travelling with Joel (my ex trainee/colleague from RH). Initially, I thought I actually have to entrust myself in the hands of his since, well, he's Korean and I should be safe in his hometown, isn't it? Hahah.. but turns out he's pretty much like a foreigner in Korea! Haha.. Eh, okay, at least he's a pretty good translator. And also thanks to him, my third trip to Korea was a whole new experience - nothing touristy, but more of what the local do and also meeting lots of wonderful friends too! ^^
Too many talented singers everywhere in Korea..
Random cafe hopping and turns out to be one of the cafe which one of the WGM couple visited..
(With Jiawan and Angel) Just us in our Myeongdong outfits hiking Bukhansan :P All the Ajjushis were probably scolding us for being such a bimbo. Haha.. but there were a few of them who were really nice to give us a pushing hand, literally.
Lesson learnt when hiking, prepare lots of water and food. Especially chocolates T_T
Finally at the peak. ^^ The view makes the whole 8 hours of hiking worthwhile.
Love, mwdee
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