Monday, 12 December 2011

once upon a time..

Photoshoot with Vanessa and Isa over the weekend turned out much better than expected. Initially, we were suppose to have the shoot at Botanical Garden, but were forced to be stuck at a McDonald outlet nearby as it was raining. We then decided (after a few hours of rotting) to move to Vivo City and decide when we're then. Alas, when we bought an umbrella and make our way to Sentosa, the rain stopped. Grrrr. Seriously.... Didn't know whether to be happy or not. Hahah..

Okay, let the pictures do the rest of the talking! :))

Phew.. That's one whole lot of photos to edit and upload! There's more pictures actually, but most of them are candid shots/ failed shots. Hahah. So those up there are my personal favorites from each scene we took :)) Really love the last one especially! Isa (hopefully I got his name correct) is really one of the nicest boyfriend I've known so far. Our photoshoot was so tiring and tedious but he didn't make any fuss throughout the day. In fact, he was very enthu in every shot we took. Hahha.. maybe, like what Van says, he loves to be photographed. LOL

They're such a sweet couple! After the whole photoshoot, I kinda started to believe in true love all over again.. Haha.. I guess I need to have more of such couple photoshoot to gain back my confidence in relationship :))

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